1. ship-impetuous | Renga in Blue
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Posts about ship-impetuous written by Jason Dyer

2. 1981: His Majesty's Ship "Impetuous" - 50 Years of Text Games - Substack
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In the early days of text games wild experiments flourished, like the forgotten series that pioneered the term "interactive fiction" where instead of typing commands, you wrote your own florid dialogue.

3. His Majesty's Ship Impetuous Details - LaunchBox Games Database
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His Majesty's Ship Impetuous is number four in the "Interactive Fiction" series. This game puts the player in the captain's chair of a ship of the British naval fleet circa the Napoleonic wars, strongly evoking the period immortalized in C. S....
4. His Majesty's Ship 'Impetuous' (1980) - Renga in Blue
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Robert Lafore has previously graced this blog with Local Call for Death, Two Heads of the Coin, and Six Micro Stories. All of them use the same basic interaction gimmick of searching input for keyw…

5. [PDF] Appendix B: Text Exemplars and Sample Performance Tasks
Selecting Text Exemplars. The following text samples primarily serve to exemplify the level of complexity and quality that the Standards require.
6. [PDF] “BY THE RIVER POTOMAC” - National Park Service
Don't you know anybody else, maybe a friend? A. There is a captain whom I know, in fact, I was on his boat. His name is Kowalsky. Q. Do you know where he ...
7. Cato: A Tragedy and Selected Essays | Online Library of Liberty
The play is the account of the final hours of Marcus Porcius Cato (95–46 BC), a Stoic whose deeds, rhetoric, and resistance to the tyranny of Caesar made him ...
First produced in 1713, Cato, A Tragedy inspired generations toward a pursuit of liberty. Liberty Fund’s new edition of Cato: A Tragedy, and Selected Essays brings together Addison’s dramatic masterpiece along with a selection of his essays that develop key themes in the play. The play is the account of the final hours of Marcus Porcius Cato (95–46 B.C.), a Stoic whose deeds, rhetoric, and resistance to the tyranny of Caesar made him an icon of republicanism, virtue, and liberty.

8. Avillion and Other Tales, Vol. 1 . - 400 Bad Request
... his Majesty or his father, King James.” The lady smiled half-loftily ... His friends—for he had still many—took both his sons to their charge. It was ...
9. [PDF] Extract of Dr. Young's Night Thoughts (1770)1 - Duke Divinity School
Mar 29, 2013 · And join anew eternity his sire;. 180. When worlds, that count his ... His best friend's couch the rank adulterer. Ascends secure; and ...
10. Schedule - NarraScope
In this session, game jam participants will get together to talk about their experience, and to share their favorite moments/writing in their games. (Advance ...
See the schedule in grid form. All times are shown in US Eastern time.
See AlsoPictures Of Jeremy Marks& 39

11. [PDF] The Black Jacobins - Center for Political Education |
But the impetuous Oge threw himself and his few hundred men on Le Cap. He ... and his friends from the Jacobins and was also a follower of Brissot; and ...
12. [PDF] OUT OF THE PAST - Maryland State Archives
... his lovely wife, whose maiden name was Elizabeth Parker, and she came from a ... friends in the legal profession as well as in the political realm, and ...
13. [PDF] Augustine-Confessions-vol-1.pdf - Wesley Scholar
After this Augustine, his friends, and his son remained in Rome until. August ... nothing and find his own supreme good in God who is supreme goodness.
14. Janet Schaw, ca. 1731-ca. 1801. Journal of a Lady of Quality
... ship affords them all accommodations. I shall write as much as I can, as this packet will go by the other vessel, and I am certain will find its way safe to you ...
Journal of a Lady of Quality; Being the Narrative of a Journey from Scotland to the West Indies, North Carolina, and Portugal, in the Years 1774 to 1776. By Janet Schaw, ca. 1731-ca. 1801
15. The Mystical City Of God Popular Abridgement by Venerable Mary Of ...
... his Majesty, asking his advice, permission and benediction for all my actions. ... his friends to the glory of his right hand. But all this is to happen at the ...
16. archives.nypl.org -- Thomas Addis Emmet collection
Acknowledges letter of 4th inst.; unable to find vessel to answer his purposes. ... Thanking them for their services to his friends in England; his duties ...
The portion of the Emmet Collection housed in the Manuscripts and Archives Division consists of approximately 10,800 historical manuscripts relating chiefly to the period prior to, during, and following the American Revolution. The collection contains letters and documents by the signers of the Declaration of Independence as well as nearly every prominent historical figure of the period. The manuscripts are arranged in 28 topics, most of them milestones in early American history. Topics include the Albany Congress of 1754, the Stamp Act Congress of 1765, the Continental Congresses, 1774 -1789, the Declaration of Independence, the Articles of Confederation, the Annapolis Convention, the Federal Convention, and the First Federal Administration. The Revolutionary War is well documented in the correspondence and letterbooks of generals and other officers, as well as in orderly books, muster rolls, and returns. Additional material documents the history of New York City. Highlights of the Emmet Collection include Thomas Jefferson's manuscript copy of the Declaration of Independence, an engrossed copy of the Bill of Rights, and manuscript minutes of the Annapolis Convention.
17. Plutarch • Life of Pyrrhus
May 18, 2018 · ... his friends, plundered his property, and put themselves under Neoptolemus.4 2 Pyrrhus, thus stripped of his realm and rendered destitute of ...
An English translation. All of Plutarch's Lives are onsite; in turn part of a very large site on classical Antiquity.
18. Hamlet – World Literature - NOVA Open Publishing
Horatio, Friend to Hamlet. Laertes, Son to Polonius. Voltimand, Courtier. Cornelius, Courtier. Rosencrantz, Courtier. Guildenstern, Courtier. Osric, Courtier. A ...
William Shakespeare (ca. 1564 C.E.-1616 C.E.)
19. The life of Samuel Johnson, LL.D: comprehending an account of his ...
... find himself left alone. A man, Sir, should keep his friend∣ship in constant repair." The celebrated Mr. Wilkes, whose notions and habits of life were very ...
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20. [EPUB] Frankenstein; Or, The Modern Prometheus - Project Gutenberg
The master is a person of an excellent disposition and is remarkable in the ship for his gentleness and the mildness of his discipline. ... become greater than ...
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