Blaze Black / Volt White 2 Redux Challenge Encounters
A fun aspect of Nuzlocke runs is the variety of encounters forcing you to try out new Pokémon you've never used before. That is why it's important to know which Pokémon will be available during a run. We've compiled a list of every encounter for Pokémon Blaze Black / Volt White 2 Redux Challenge so you can quickly see who you might want on your team!
Pokémon Blaze Black / Volt White 2 Redux Challenge has 63 different encounter locations with 503 different Pokémon available as wild encounters. Hover over a Pokémon to see where to encounter it!
19 Ghost Pokémon encounters
- Gastly - Castelia Sewers
- Haunter - Celestial Tower
- Misdreavus - Lostlorn Forest, Celestial Tower and Pinwheel Forest
- Sableye - Relic Passage and Victory Road
- Shuppet - Celestial Tower and Strange House
- Banette - Celestial Tower, Strange House and Victory Road
- Duskull - Celestial Tower and Strange House
- Dusclops - Celestial Tower, Strange House, Victory Road and Underground Ruins
- Drifloon - Desert Resort
- Drifblim - Celestial Tower, Reversal Mountain and Route 14
- Spiritomb - Strange House
- Yamask - Relic Passage and Relic Castle
- Cofagrigus - Relic Passage
- Frillish - Virbank City, Virbank Complex, Route 4, Undella Town, Undella Bay, Seaside Cave, Route 13, Victory Road, Route 17, Route 18 and P2 Laboratory
- Jellicent - Virbank City, Virbank Complex, Undella Town, Undella Bay, Seaside Cave, Route 13, Route 17, Route 18 and P2 Laboratory
- Litwick - Floccesy Ranch, Relic Castle, Celestial Tower and Strange House
- Lampent - Celestial Tower and Victory Road
- Golett - Relic Castle, Clay Tunnel and Dragonspiral Tower
- Golurk - Victory Road and Dragonspiral Tower
19 Dragon Pokémon encounters
- Kingdra - Route 17, Route 18 and P2 Laboratory
- Dratini - Route 20, Dragonspiral Tower and Nature Preserve
- Dragonair - Route 20, Dragonspiral Tower and Nature Preserve
- Dragonite - Dragonspiral Tower and Nature Preserve
- Altaria - Route 14, Abundant Shrine, Victory Road and Dragonspiral Tower
- Bagon - Route 20 and Mistralton Cave
- Shelgon - Mistralton Cave and Victory Road
- Gible - Relic Passage
- Gabite - Relic Passage and Victory Road
- Servine - Nature Preserve
- Serperior - Nature Preserve
- Axew - Mistralton Cave
- Fraxure - Victory Road and Nature Preserve
- Druddigon - Reversal Mountain, Victory Road and Dragonspiral Tower
- Deino - Mistralton Cave
- Zweilous - Victory Road
- Reshiram - Dragonspiral Tower
- Zekrom - Dragonspiral Tower
- Kyurem - Giants Chasm
25 Steel Pokémon encounters
- Magnemite - Virbank Complex, Chargestone Cave and P2 Laboratory
- Magneton - Chargestone Cave, Victory Road and P2 Laboratory
- Magnezone - P2 Laboratory
- Steelix - Victory Road, Twist Mountain and Underground Ruins
- Scizor - Pinwheel Forest
- Forretress - Victory Road
- Skarmory - Desert Resort, Reversal Mountain, Victory Road and Route 15
- Mawile - Relic Passage and Victory Road
- Aron - Relic Passage and Mistralton Cave
- Lairon - Clay Tunnel, Mistralton Cave, Victory Road and Underground Ruins
- Beldum - Virbank Complex
- Metang - Giants Chasm
- Shieldon - Relic Passage
- Bronzor - Relic Castle and Celestial Tower
- Bronzong - Celestial Tower, Strange House and Dragonspiral Tower
- Lucario - Victory Road
- Excadrill - Relic Passage, Victory Road, Twist Mountain, Underground Ruins and Wellspring Cave
- Ferroseed - Chargestone Cave
- Klink - Virbank Complex, Chargestone Cave and P2 Laboratory
- Klang - P2 Laboratory
- Klinklang - P2 Laboratory
- Pawniard - Virbank Complex
- Bisharp - Route 9 and Victory Road
- Durant - Chargestone Cave, Victory Road, Twist Mountain and Underground Ruins
- Cobalion - Route 13
25 Ice Pokémon encounters
- Dewgong - Route 20, Route 6, Seaside Cave and Giants Chasm
- Shellder - Seaside Cave, Route 21, Giants Chasm and Wellspring Cave
- Cloyster - Undella Town, Seaside Cave, Route 21, Giants Chasm and Wellspring Cave
- Smoochum - Floccesy Ranch
- Jynx - Giants Chasm
- Lapras - Village Bridge and Dragonspiral Tower
- Glaceon - Nature Preserve
- Sneasel - Route 7 and Giants Chasm
- Swinub - Route 20
- Piloswine - Route 22 and Giants Chasm
- Mamoswine - Route 22 and Giants Chasm
- Delibird - Route 22 and Giants Chasm
- Snorunt - Route 7 and Giants Chasm
- Glalie - Twist Mountain
- Spheal - Floccesy Ranch, Undella Bay and Seaside Cave
- Sealeo - Undella Bay and Seaside Cave
- Snover - Route 6 and Giants Chasm
- Abomasnow - Giants Chasm
- Vanillite - Route 20, Floccesy Ranch and Route 6
- Vanillish - Giants Chasm, Dragonspiral Tower and Twist Mountain
- Vanilluxe - Giants Chasm and Dragonspiral Tower
- Cubchoo - Floccesy Ranch and Route 7
- Beartic - Route 7, Dragonspiral Tower and Twist Mountain
- Cryogonal - Giants Chasm and Twist Mountain
- Kyurem - Giants Chasm
28 Fairy Pokémon encounters
- Clefairy - Relic Passage and Giants Chasm
- Clefable - Giants Chasm
- Ninetales - Abundant Shrine
- Igglybuff - Floccesy Ranch
- Jigglypuff - Castelia City, Route 14, Dreamyard and Route 1
- Wigglytuff - Route 14, Dreamyard and Route 1
- Rapidash - Route 12
- Mime Jr. - Route 20 and Route 6
- Mr. Mime - Route 6
- Togepi - Floccesy Ranch
- Azurill - Route 20 and Floccesy Ranch
- Marill - Route 19, Route 20, Route 6, Abundant Shrine, Village Bridge, Route 11, Victory Road and Pinwheel Forest
- Azumarill - Route 19, Route 6, Clay Tunnel, Village Bridge, Route 11, Victory Road, Twist Mountain and Pinwheel Forest
- Misdreavus - Lostlorn Forest, Celestial Tower and Pinwheel Forest
- Snubbull - Castelia City
- Ralts - Route 20
- Kirlia - Strange House, Route 9 and Dreamyard
- Mawile - Relic Passage and Victory Road
- Illumise - Route 16 and Village Bridge
- Swablu - Driftveil Drawbridge, Route 14 and Abundant Shrine
- Altaria - Route 14, Abundant Shrine, Victory Road and Dragonspiral Tower
- Luvdisc - Route 4, Undella Town, Seaside Cave, Route 13 and Humilau City
- Munna - Floccesy Ranch, Castelia City and Dreamyard
- Musharna - Dreamyard
- Audino - Route 19, Route 20, Floccesy Ranch, Virbank Complex, Castelia City, Route 5, Route 16, Lostlorn Forest, Route 6, Route 7, Reversal Mountain, Route 14, Abundant Shrine, Route 13, Route 12, Village Bridge, Route 11, Route 9, Route 22, Giants Chasm, Route 23, Victory Road, Dragonspiral Tower, Route 15, Pinwheel Forest, Route 3, Dreamyard, Route 2, Route 1, Route 18, P2 Laboratory and Nature Preserve
- Cottonee - Castelia City, Abundant Shrine and Victory Road
- Whimsicott - Abundant Shrine
- Vanilluxe - Giants Chasm and Dragonspiral Tower
30 Fire Pokémon encounters
- Charmander - Virbank City
- Vulpix - Abundant Shrine
- Ninetales - Abundant Shrine
- Growlithe - Virbank Complex and Route 3
- Arcanine - Route 3
- Ponyta - Floccesy Ranch, Route 5 and Route 12
- Rapidash - Route 12
- Magby - Floccesy Ranch and Virbank Complex
- Magmar - Victory Road
- Flareon - Nature Preserve
- Slugma - Floccesy Ranch and Virbank Complex
- Magcargo - Reversal Mountain
- Houndour - Floccesy Ranch and Route 9
- Houndoom - Route 9
- Numel - Route 4, Desert Resort, Relic Castle and Reversal Mountain
- Camerupt - Reversal Mountain
- Torkoal - Reversal Mountain
- Chimchar - Anville Town and Driftveil City
- Tepig - Starter
- Pignite - Nature Preserve
- Emboar - Nature Preserve
- Pansear - Floccesy Town, Lostlorn Forest and Victory Road
- Simisear - Pinwheel Forest
- Darumaka - Route 4 and Desert Resort
- Darmanitan - Relic Passage
- Litwick - Floccesy Ranch, Relic Castle, Celestial Tower and Strange House
- Lampent - Celestial Tower and Victory Road
- Heatmor - Chargestone Cave, Victory Road and Twist Mountain
- Volcarona - Relic Passage
- Reshiram - Dragonspiral Tower
30 Electric Pokémon encounters
- Pichu - Floccesy Ranch and Virbank Complex
- Pikachu - Route 5 and Pinwheel Forest
- Raichu - Pinwheel Forest
- Magnemite - Virbank Complex, Chargestone Cave and P2 Laboratory
- Magneton - Chargestone Cave, Victory Road and P2 Laboratory
- Magnezone - P2 Laboratory
- Voltorb - Virbank Complex and Chargestone Cave
- Electrode - Chargestone Cave, Victory Road and P2 Laboratory
- Elekid - Floccesy Ranch and Virbank Complex
- Electabuzz - Victory Road
- Jolteon - Nature Preserve
- Chinchou - Virbank City, Route 6, Undella Bay, Route 18 and P2 Laboratory
- Lanturn - Undella Bay, Route 18 and P2 Laboratory
- Mareep - Floccesy Ranch
- Flaaffy - Route 3
- Probopass - Chargestone Cave
- Electrike - Virbank Complex
- Plusle - Route 5
- Minun - Route 5
- Volbeat - Route 16 and Village Bridge
- Shinx - Virbank Complex
- Pachirisu - Route 5
- Blitzle - Floccesy Ranch and Route 5
- Zebstrika - Route 7 and Route 3
- Emolga - Route 5, Route 16, Lostlorn Forest, Route 6, Route 14, Abundant Shrine, Route 13, Route 12, Village Bridge, Route 11, Route 9, Route 22, Route 23, Dragonspiral Tower and Route 15
- Joltik - Chargestone Cave
- Tynamo - Chargestone Cave and Seaside Cave
- Eelektrik - Seaside Cave
- Stunfisk - Castelia Sewers, Seaside Cave, Moor of Icirrus and Icirrus City
- Zekrom - Dragonspiral Tower
30 Fighting Pokémon encounters
- Mankey - Route 20
- Primeape - Victory Road, Route 15 and Route 2
- Machop - Floccesy Ranch
- Machoke - Relic Passage, Seaside Cave, Victory Road and Pinwheel Forest
- Farfetch’d - Route 5, Village Bridge and Marvellous Bridge
- Tyrogue - Floccesy Ranch and Virbank Complex
- Heracross - Lostlorn Forest, Route 12 and Pinwheel Forest
- Breloom - Lostlorn Forest
- Makuhita - Virbank Complex
- Hariyama - Victory Road and Pinwheel Forest
- Meditite - Virbank City and Relic Passage
- Medicham - Victory Road and Pinwheel Forest
- Riolu - Floccesy Ranch and Victory Road
- Lucario - Victory Road
- Croagunk - Virbank Complex
- Toxicroak - Moor of Icirrus and Pinwheel Forest
- Dewott - Nature Preserve
- Samurott - Nature Preserve
- Timburr - Relic Passage
- Gurdurr - Relic Passage, Seaside Cave, Victory Road and Pinwheel Forest
- Throh - Route 16, Reversal Mountain, Route 23, Victory Road, Route 15, Pinwheel Forest and Route 18
- Sawk - Route 16, Reversal Mountain, Route 23, Victory Road, Route 15, Pinwheel Forest and Route 18
- Scraggy - Route 4 and Desert Resort
- Scrafty - Victory Road, Route 15, Route 1, Route 18 and P2 Laboratory
- Beartic - Route 7, Dragonspiral Tower and Twist Mountain
- Mienfoo - Reversal Mountain, Route 14, Route 22 and Route 23
- Mienshao - Route 22, Route 23 and Dragonspiral Tower
- Cobalion - Route 13
- Terrakion - Route 22
- Virizion - Route 11
35 Rock Pokémon encounters
- Geodude - Relic Passage and Chargestone Cave
- Graveler - Relic Passage, Chargestone Cave, Victory Road, Twist Mountain and Underground Ruins
- Onix - Relic Passage, Relic Castle, Clay Tunnel, Victory Road, Twist Mountain, Underground Ruins and Wellspring Cave
- Rhyhorn - Relic Passage and Reversal Mountain
- Rhydon - Reversal Mountain and Victory Road
- Omanyte - Relic Passage
- Kabuto - Relic Passage
- Aerodactyl - Relic Passage
- Bonsly - Route 20 and Route 6
- Sudowoodo - Route 6
- Shuckle - Clay Tunnel and Seaside Cave
- Magcargo - Reversal Mountain
- Corsola - Route 6 and Route 13
- Larvitar - Relic Passage and Mistralton Cave
- Pupitar - Relic Passage, Mistralton Cave, Victory Road and Route 15
- Tyranitar - Route 15
- Nosepass - Chargestone Cave and Underground Ruins
- Probopass - Chargestone Cave
- Aron - Relic Passage and Mistralton Cave
- Lairon - Clay Tunnel, Mistralton Cave, Victory Road and Underground Ruins
- Lunatone - Route 13, Giants Chasm, Underground Ruins and Dreamyard
- Solrock - Route 13, Giants Chasm, Underground Ruins and Dreamyard
- Lileep - Relic Passage
- Anorith - Relic Passage
- Glalie - Twist Mountain
- Relicanth - Route 4 and Route 21
- Cranidos - Relic Passage
- Shieldon - Relic Passage
- Roggenrola - Relic Passage
- Boldore - Relic Passage, Mistralton Cave, Chargestone Cave, Reversal Mountain, Seaside Cave, Giants Chasm, Victory Road, Twist Mountain and Wellspring Cave
- Dwebble - Route 4, Desert Resort and Seaside Cave
- Crustle - Seaside Cave and Route 18
- Tirtouga - Relic Passage
- Archen - Relic Passage
- Terrakion - Route 22
35 Dark Pokémon encounters
- Umbreon - Nature Preserve
- Murkrow - Lostlorn Forest, Celestial Tower and Pinwheel Forest
- Sneasel - Route 7 and Giants Chasm
- Houndour - Floccesy Ranch and Route 9
- Houndoom - Route 9
- Tyranitar - Route 15
- Poochyena - Floccesy Ranch and Route 9
- Mightyena - Route 9 and Route 2
- Nuzleaf - Victory Road, Route 3 and Nature Preserve
- Shiftry - Victory Road and Route 3
- Sableye - Relic Passage and Victory Road
- Carvanha - Floccesy Ranch and Village Bridge
- Sharpedo - Village Bridge
- Cacturne - Reversal Mountain
- Crawdaunt - Abundant Shrine, Route 3 and Striation City
- Absol - Route 14 and Victory Road
- Stunky - Route 16
- Spiritomb - Strange House
- Drapion - Reversal Mountain
- Purrloin - Route 19
- Liepard - Route 3, Dreamyard and Route 2
- Sandile - Route 4 and Desert Resort
- Krokorok - Relic Passage
- Scraggy - Route 4 and Desert Resort
- Scrafty - Victory Road, Route 15, Route 1, Route 18 and P2 Laboratory
- Zorua - Team Plasma Safehouse
- Gothita - Route 5 and Route 16
- Gothorita - Strange House, Route 9 and Victory Road
- Gothitelle - Route 9
- Pawniard - Virbank Complex
- Bisharp - Route 9 and Victory Road
- Vullaby - Desert Resort, Village Bridge and Route 23
- Mandibuzz - Route 4, Village Bridge, Route 23 and Victory Road
- Deino - Mistralton Cave
- Zweilous - Victory Road
50 Bug Pokémon encounters
- Caterpie - Route 20
- Butterfree - Castelia City and Route 2
- Weedle - Route 20
- Beedrill - Castelia City and Route 2
- Paras - Relic Passage
- Parasect - Relic Passage, Route 22, Victory Road and Pinwheel Forest
- Venonat - Route 19
- Venomoth - Route 22, Victory Road, Pinwheel Forest and Dreamyard
- Scyther - Lostlorn Forest and Pinwheel Forest
- Scizor - Pinwheel Forest
- Pinsir - Lostlorn Forest, Route 12 and Pinwheel Forest
- Ledyba - Route 19
- Ledian - Route 22, Pinwheel Forest and Dreamyard
- Spinarak - Castelia Sewers
- Ariados - Route 22, Pinwheel Forest and Dreamyard
- Yanma - Route 6, Route 7, Pinwheel Forest and Route 3
- Yanmega - Route 6, Pinwheel Forest and Route 3
- Pineco - Route 16 and Abundant Shrine
- Forretress - Victory Road
- Shuckle - Clay Tunnel and Seaside Cave
- Heracross - Lostlorn Forest, Route 12 and Pinwheel Forest
- Wurmple - Route 20
- Beautifly - Route 12 and Route 2
- Dustox - Route 12 and Route 2
- Surskit - Aspertia City, Route 19, Route 20 and Route 22
- Masquerain - Route 22
- Nincada - Relic Passage
- Volbeat - Route 16 and Village Bridge
- Illumise - Route 16 and Village Bridge
- Trapinch - Route 4, Desert Resort and Reversal Mountain
- Anorith - Relic Passage
- Kricketot - Route 19
- Burmy - Castelia City
- Wormadam - Pinwheel Forest
- Mothim - Pinwheel Forest
- Combee - Lostlorn Forest and Route 12
- Vespiquen - Lostlorn Forest
- Skorupi - Desert Resort and Reversal Mountain
- Sewaddle - Route 20
- Swadloon - Pinwheel Forest
- Venipede - Route 20
- Whirlipede - Pinwheel Forest
- Scolipede - Pinwheel Forest
- Dwebble - Route 4, Desert Resort and Seaside Cave
- Crustle - Seaside Cave and Route 18
- Karrablast - Route 6, Route 11 and Moor of Icirrus
- Joltik - Chargestone Cave
- Shelmet - Route 6, Route 11 and Moor of Icirrus
- Durant - Chargestone Cave, Victory Road, Twist Mountain and Underground Ruins
- Volcarona - Relic Passage
50 Ground Pokémon encounters
- Sandshrew - Route 4, Desert Resort and Clay Tunnel
- Sandslash - Clay Tunnel, Underground Ruins and Route 15
- Nidoqueen - Victory Road
- Nidoking - Victory Road
- Diglett - Relic Passage, Clay Tunnel and Chargestone Cave
- Dugtrio - Relic Passage, Chargestone Cave and Wellspring Cave
- Geodude - Relic Passage and Chargestone Cave
- Graveler - Relic Passage, Chargestone Cave, Victory Road, Twist Mountain and Underground Ruins
- Onix - Relic Passage, Relic Castle, Clay Tunnel, Victory Road, Twist Mountain, Underground Ruins and Wellspring Cave
- Steelix - Victory Road, Twist Mountain and Underground Ruins
- Cubone - Route 20, Relic Castle and Celestial Tower
- Marowak - Celestial Tower
- Rhyhorn - Relic Passage and Reversal Mountain
- Rhydon - Reversal Mountain and Victory Road
- Wooper - Virbank Complex, Reversal Mountain, Route 23 and Wellspring Cave
- Quagsire - Reversal Mountain, Route 23, Moor of Icirrus, Icirrus City and Wellspring Cave
- Gligar - Reversal Mountain, Route 11, Route 23 and Route 15
- Gliscor - Route 15
- Teddiursa - Floccesy Ranch and Mistralton Cave
- Ursaring - Mistralton Cave, Victory Road and Twist Mountain
- Swinub - Route 20
- Piloswine - Route 22 and Giants Chasm
- Mamoswine - Route 22 and Giants Chasm
- Phanpy - Route 7
- Donphan - Route 7, Victory Road and Twist Mountain
- Larvitar - Relic Passage and Mistralton Cave
- Pupitar - Relic Passage, Mistralton Cave, Victory Road and Route 15
- Nincada - Relic Passage
- Numel - Route 4, Desert Resort, Relic Castle and Reversal Mountain
- Camerupt - Reversal Mountain
- Trapinch - Route 4, Desert Resort and Reversal Mountain
- Barboach - Relic Passage, Route 6, Clay Tunnel, Moor of Icirrus, Icirrus City and Wellspring Cave
- Whiscash - Relic Passage, Moor of Icirrus, Icirrus City and Wellspring Cave
- Baltoy - Relic Passage and Relic Castle
- Claydol - Relic Passage and Underground Ruins
- Gastrodon - Relic Passage, Giants Chasm, Route 23, Moor of Icirrus and Icirrus City
- Gible - Relic Passage
- Gabite - Relic Passage and Victory Road
- Hippopotas - Route 4 and Desert Resort
- Pignite - Nature Preserve
- Emboar - Nature Preserve
- Drilbur - Relic Passage
- Excadrill - Relic Passage, Victory Road, Twist Mountain, Underground Ruins and Wellspring Cave
- Palpitoad - Castelia Sewers, Clay Tunnel, Moor of Icirrus, Icirrus City and Pinwheel Forest
- Seismitoad - Castelia Sewers, Moor of Icirrus, Icirrus City and Pinwheel Forest
- Sandile - Route 4 and Desert Resort
- Krokorok - Relic Passage
- Stunfisk - Castelia Sewers, Seaside Cave, Moor of Icirrus and Icirrus City
- Golett - Relic Castle, Clay Tunnel and Dragonspiral Tower
- Golurk - Victory Road and Dragonspiral Tower
50 Psychic Pokémon encounters
- Golduck - Reversal Mountain, Route 14, Abundant Shrine, Seaside Cave, Route 11 and Nature Preserve
- Abra - Castelia City
- Kadabra - Victory Road and Dragonspiral Tower
- Alakazam - Dragonspiral Tower
- Slowpoke - Castelia Sewers and Abundant Shrine
- Drowzee - Route 16 and Strange House
- Hypno - Strange House, Victory Road and Dreamyard
- Exeggcute - Lostlorn Forest, Village Bridge, Victory Road and Pinwheel Forest
- Exeggutor - Village Bridge
- Starmie - Route 13
- Mime Jr. - Route 20 and Route 6
- Mr. Mime - Route 6
- Smoochum - Floccesy Ranch
- Jynx - Giants Chasm
- Espeon - Nature Preserve
- Noctowl - Route 16, Celestial Tower and Route 1
- Natu - Route 5
- Unown - Relic Passage
- Wynaut - Mistralton Cave
- Wobbuffet - Mistralton Cave and Victory Road
- Girafarig - Route 12 and Nature Preserve
- Ralts - Route 20
- Kirlia - Strange House, Route 9 and Dreamyard
- Meditite - Virbank City and Relic Passage
- Medicham - Victory Road and Pinwheel Forest
- Spoink - Reversal Mountain
- Grumpig - Reversal Mountain
- Lunatone - Route 13, Giants Chasm, Underground Ruins and Dreamyard
- Solrock - Route 13, Giants Chasm, Underground Ruins and Dreamyard
- Baltoy - Relic Passage and Relic Castle
- Claydol - Relic Passage and Underground Ruins
- Chingling - Relic Castle and Celestial Tower
- Chimecho - Celestial Tower
- Beldum - Virbank Complex
- Metang - Giants Chasm
- Bronzor - Relic Castle and Celestial Tower
- Bronzong - Celestial Tower, Strange House and Dragonspiral Tower
- Munna - Floccesy Ranch, Castelia City and Dreamyard
- Musharna - Dreamyard
- Woobat - Relic Passage, Clay Tunnel, Seaside Cave, Victory Road and Twist Mountain
- Swoobat - Relic Passage, Victory Road and Wellspring Cave
- Sigilyph - Desert Resort
- Gothita - Route 5 and Route 16
- Gothorita - Strange House, Route 9 and Victory Road
- Gothitelle - Route 9
- Solosis - Route 5 and Route 16
- Duosion - Strange House, Route 9 and Victory Road
- Reuniclus - Route 9
- Elgyem - Floccesy Ranch, Route 4, Desert Resort, Relic Castle and Celestial Tower
- Beheeyem - Celestial Tower
52 Poison Pokémon encounters
- Bulbasaur - Virbank City
- Weedle - Route 20
- Beedrill - Castelia City and Route 2
- Ekans - Virbank Complex
- Arbok - Victory Road
- Nidoran♀ - Virbank Complex
- Nidorina - Lostlorn Forest and Victory Road
- Nidoqueen - Victory Road
- Nidoran♂ - Virbank Complex
- Nidorino - Lostlorn Forest and Victory Road
- Nidoking - Victory Road
- Zubat - Castelia Sewers
- Golbat - Clay Tunnel, Route 13, Giants Chasm, Victory Road, Twist Mountain, Underground Ruins, Wellspring Cave and Dreamyard
- Crobat - Route 13 and Giants Chasm
- Oddish - Castelia City
- Gloom - Abundant Shrine, Route 22 and Pinwheel Forest
- Vileplume - Abundant Shrine and Route 22
- Venonat - Route 19
- Venomoth - Route 22, Victory Road, Pinwheel Forest and Dreamyard
- Bellsprout - Route 20
- Weepinbell - Route 9, Route 22 and Pinwheel Forest
- Victreebel - Route 9 and Route 22
- Tentacool - Virbank City, Virbank Complex, Route 4, Route 6, Undella Town, Humilau City, Route 18 and P2 Laboratory
- Tentacruel - Virbank City, Virbank Complex, Route 4, Humilau City, Route 18 and P2 Laboratory
- Grimer - Castelia Sewers
- Muk - Castelia Sewers
- Gastly - Castelia Sewers
- Haunter - Celestial Tower
- Koffing - Virbank Complex and Castelia Sewers
- Weezing - P2 Laboratory
- Spinarak - Castelia Sewers
- Ariados - Route 22, Pinwheel Forest and Dreamyard
- Qwilfish - Virbank Complex, Abundant Shrine, Route 17, Route 18 and P2 Laboratory
- Dustox - Route 12 and Route 2
- Budew - Route 20 and Floccesy Ranch
- Roselia - Castelia City, Lostlorn Forest, Victory Road and Pinwheel Forest
- Roserade - Lostlorn Forest and Victory Road
- Gulpin - Castelia Sewers
- Swalot - Route 9
- Seviper - Route 7, Village Bridge and Route 11
- Stunky - Route 16
- Skorupi - Desert Resort and Reversal Mountain
- Drapion - Reversal Mountain
- Croagunk - Virbank Complex
- Toxicroak - Moor of Icirrus and Pinwheel Forest
- Venipede - Route 20
- Whirlipede - Pinwheel Forest
- Scolipede - Pinwheel Forest
- Trubbish - Castelia Sewers
- Garbodor - Route 9
- Foongus - Route 6
- Amoonguss - Route 11, Route 22 and Route 23
59 Grass Pokémon encounters
- Bulbasaur - Virbank City
- Oddish - Castelia City
- Gloom - Abundant Shrine, Route 22 and Pinwheel Forest
- Vileplume - Abundant Shrine and Route 22
- Bellossom - Abundant Shrine and Route 22
- Paras - Relic Passage
- Parasect - Relic Passage, Route 22, Victory Road and Pinwheel Forest
- Bellsprout - Route 20
- Weepinbell - Route 9, Route 22 and Pinwheel Forest
- Victreebel - Route 9 and Route 22
- Exeggcute - Lostlorn Forest, Village Bridge, Victory Road and Pinwheel Forest
- Exeggutor - Village Bridge
- Tangela - Route 13 and Giants Chasm
- Tangrowth - Route 13
- Leafeon - Nature Preserve
- Hoppip - Route 19, Driftveil Drawbridge and Route 13
- Skiploom - Route 13 and Marvellous Bridge
- Jumpluff - Route 13
- Sunkern - Route 20
- Lotad - Route 20, Route 22 and Route 3
- Lombre - Route 22, Victory Road and Route 3
- Ludicolo - Victory Road and Route 3
- Seedot - Route 20
- Nuzleaf - Victory Road, Route 3 and Nature Preserve
- Shiftry - Victory Road and Route 3
- Shroomish - Route 20, Route 16 and Pinwheel Forest
- Breloom - Lostlorn Forest
- Budew - Route 20 and Floccesy Ranch
- Roselia - Castelia City, Lostlorn Forest, Victory Road and Pinwheel Forest
- Roserade - Lostlorn Forest and Victory Road
- Cacnea - Route 4 and Desert Resort
- Cacturne - Reversal Mountain
- Lileep - Relic Passage
- Tropius - Route 14, Route 23 and Route 18
- Turtwig - Anville Town and Driftveil City
- Wormadam - Pinwheel Forest
- Cherubi - Route 20 and Route 12
- Cherrim - Route 12
- Carnivine - Lostlorn Forest, Victory Road, Pinwheel Forest and Route 18
- Snover - Route 6 and Giants Chasm
- Abomasnow - Giants Chasm
- Snivy - Starter
- Servine - Nature Preserve
- Serperior - Nature Preserve
- Pansage - Floccesy Town, Lostlorn Forest and Victory Road
- Simisage - Pinwheel Forest
- Sewaddle - Route 20
- Swadloon - Pinwheel Forest
- Cottonee - Castelia City, Abundant Shrine and Victory Road
- Whimsicott - Abundant Shrine
- Petilil - Castelia City, Abundant Shrine and Victory Road
- Lilligant - Abundant Shrine
- Maractus - Desert Resort
- Deerling - Route 6 and Route 7
- Sawsbuck - Route 7 and Dragonspiral Tower
- Foongus - Route 6
- Amoonguss - Route 11, Route 22 and Route 23
- Ferroseed - Chargestone Cave
- Virizion - Route 11
63 Flying Pokémon encounters
- Butterfree - Castelia City and Route 2
- Pidgey - Route 19 and Route 1
- Pidgeotto - Route 6, Marvellous Bridge and Route 1
- Pidgeot - Route 1
- Spearow - Virbank Complex
- Fearow - Route 11, Victory Road, Marvellous Bridge and Route 15
- Zubat - Castelia Sewers
- Golbat - Clay Tunnel, Route 13, Giants Chasm, Victory Road, Twist Mountain, Underground Ruins, Wellspring Cave and Dreamyard
- Crobat - Route 13 and Giants Chasm
- Farfetch’d - Route 5, Village Bridge and Marvellous Bridge
- Doduo - Route 5 and Route 12
- Dodrio - Route 12
- Scyther - Lostlorn Forest and Pinwheel Forest
- Gyarados - Nature Preserve
- Aerodactyl - Relic Passage
- Dragonite - Dragonspiral Tower and Nature Preserve
- Hoothoot - Route 16 and Route 1
- Noctowl - Route 16, Celestial Tower and Route 1
- Ledyba - Route 19
- Ledian - Route 22, Pinwheel Forest and Dreamyard
- Natu - Route 5
- Hoppip - Route 19, Driftveil Drawbridge and Route 13
- Skiploom - Route 13 and Marvellous Bridge
- Jumpluff - Route 13
- Yanma - Route 6, Route 7, Pinwheel Forest and Route 3
- Yanmega - Route 6, Pinwheel Forest and Route 3
- Murkrow - Lostlorn Forest, Celestial Tower and Pinwheel Forest
- Gligar - Reversal Mountain, Route 11, Route 23 and Route 15
- Gliscor - Route 15
- Delibird - Route 22 and Giants Chasm
- Mantyke - Undella Bay and Route 17
- Mantine - Route 17
- Skarmory - Desert Resort, Reversal Mountain, Victory Road and Route 15
- Beautifly - Route 12 and Route 2
- Taillow - Floccesy Ranch
- Swellow - Route 13 and Giants Chasm
- Wingull - Route 13
- Pelipper - Marvellous Bridge
- Swablu - Driftveil Drawbridge, Route 14 and Abundant Shrine
- Tropius - Route 14, Route 23 and Route 18
- Starly - Route 19 and Route 1
- Staravia - Route 12 and Route 1
- Staraptor - Route 12 and Route 1
- Mothim - Pinwheel Forest
- Combee - Lostlorn Forest and Route 12
- Vespiquen - Lostlorn Forest
- Drifloon - Desert Resort
- Drifblim - Celestial Tower, Reversal Mountain and Route 14
- Chatot - Route 16, Village Bridge and Marvellous Bridge
- Pidove - Route 20
- Tranquill - Route 6, Victory Road, Dragonspiral Tower and Route 3
- Unfezant - Route 6, Victory Road and Dragonspiral Tower
- Woobat - Relic Passage, Clay Tunnel, Seaside Cave, Victory Road and Twist Mountain
- Swoobat - Relic Passage, Victory Road and Wellspring Cave
- Sigilyph - Desert Resort
- Archen - Relic Passage
- Ducklett - Aspertia City, Driftveil Drawbridge and Village Bridge
- Swanna - Village Bridge and Marvellous Bridge
- Emolga - Route 5, Route 16, Lostlorn Forest, Route 6, Route 14, Abundant Shrine, Route 13, Route 12, Village Bridge, Route 11, Route 9, Route 22, Route 23, Dragonspiral Tower and Route 15
- Rufflet - Desert Resort, Village Bridge and Route 23
- Braviary - Village Bridge, Route 23 and Victory Road
- Vullaby - Desert Resort, Village Bridge and Route 23
- Mandibuzz - Route 4, Village Bridge, Route 23 and Victory Road
77 Normal Pokémon encounters
- Pidgey - Route 19 and Route 1
- Pidgeotto - Route 6, Marvellous Bridge and Route 1
- Pidgeot - Route 1
- Rattata - Castelia Sewers
- Raticate - Dreamyard
- Igglybuff - Floccesy Ranch
- Jigglypuff - Castelia City, Route 14, Dreamyard and Route 1
- Wigglytuff - Route 14, Dreamyard and Route 1
- Meowth - Route 20
- Persian - Victory Road and Dreamyard
- Doduo - Route 5 and Route 12
- Dodrio - Route 12
- Lickitung - Route 16
- Lickilicky - Route 16
- Happiny - Floccesy Ranch
- Chansey - Route 14 and Nature Preserve
- Blissey - Nature Preserve
- Kangaskhan - Mistralton Cave, Victory Road and Route 18
- Tauros - Route 23
- Ditto - Giants Chasm and Victory Road
- Eevee - Castelia City, Abundant Shrine and Nature Preserve
- Porygon - Virbank Complex and P2 Laboratory
- Porygon2 - P2 Laboratory
- Munchlax - Route 9 and Route 15
- Snorlax - Route 15
- Sentret - Route 19 and Route 1
- Furret - Route 7 and Route 1
- Hoothoot - Route 16 and Route 1
- Azurill - Route 20 and Floccesy Ranch
- Aipom - Route 7
- Girafarig - Route 12 and Nature Preserve
- Dunsparce - Route 20, Floccesy Ranch, Route 6, Route 12, Village Bridge, Victory Road, Dreamyard, Route 2, Route 1, Route 18 and Nature Preserve
- Teddiursa - Floccesy Ranch and Mistralton Cave
- Ursaring - Mistralton Cave, Victory Road and Twist Mountain
- Stantler - Route 5
- Smeargle - Route 5
- Miltank - Route 5
- Zigzagoon - Virbank Complex and Route 1
- Linoone - Route 13 and Route 1
- Taillow - Floccesy Ranch
- Swellow - Route 13 and Giants Chasm
- Slakoth - Lostlorn Forest
- Vigoroth - Lostlorn Forest, Victory Road and Pinwheel Forest
- Slaking - Victory Road and Pinwheel Forest
- Whismur - Relic Passage
- Loudred - Relic Passage, Victory Road and Wellspring Cave
- Skitty - Castelia City
- Spinda - Route 7
- Zangoose - Route 7, Village Bridge and Route 11
- Castform - Virbank Complex and Route 6
- Kecleon - Route 7 and Nature Preserve
- Banette - Celestial Tower, Strange House and Victory Road
- Starly - Route 19 and Route 1
- Staravia - Route 12 and Route 1
- Staraptor - Route 12 and Route 1
- Bidoof - Route 19 and Route 1
- Bibarel - Village Bridge and Route 1
- Buneary - Castelia City
- Glameow - Route 16
- Chatot - Route 16, Village Bridge and Marvellous Bridge
- Arceus - Nature Preserve
- Patrat - Route 19 and Route 1
- Watchog - Route 7, Route 3, Dreamyard, Route 2, Route 1, Route 18 and P2 Laboratory
- Lillipup - Floccesy Ranch and Route 1
- Herdier - Route 3, Route 2, Route 1 and P2 Laboratory
- Stoutland - Route 2, Route 1 and P2 Laboratory
- Pidove - Route 20
- Tranquill - Route 6, Victory Road, Dragonspiral Tower and Route 3
- Unfezant - Route 6, Victory Road and Dragonspiral Tower
- Audino - Route 19, Route 20, Floccesy Ranch, Virbank Complex, Castelia City, Route 5, Route 16, Lostlorn Forest, Route 6, Route 7, Reversal Mountain, Route 14, Abundant Shrine, Route 13, Route 12, Village Bridge, Route 11, Route 9, Route 22, Giants Chasm, Route 23, Victory Road, Dragonspiral Tower, Route 15, Pinwheel Forest, Route 3, Dreamyard, Route 2, Route 1, Route 18, P2 Laboratory and Nature Preserve
- Minccino - Route 16
- Cinccino - Route 16
- Deerling - Route 6 and Route 7
- Sawsbuck - Route 7 and Dragonspiral Tower
- Bouffalant - Route 5 and Route 23
- Rufflet - Desert Resort, Village Bridge and Route 23
- Braviary - Village Bridge, Route 23 and Victory Road
86 Water Pokémon encounters
- Squirtle - Virbank City
- Psyduck - Floccesy Ranch, Lostlorn Forest, Route 14, Striation City and Nature Preserve
- Golduck - Reversal Mountain, Route 14, Abundant Shrine, Seaside Cave, Route 11 and Nature Preserve
- Poliwag - Floccesy Ranch
- Tentacool - Virbank City, Virbank Complex, Route 4, Route 6, Undella Town, Humilau City, Route 18 and P2 Laboratory
- Tentacruel - Virbank City, Virbank Complex, Route 4, Humilau City, Route 18 and P2 Laboratory
- Slowpoke - Castelia Sewers and Abundant Shrine
- Seel - Route 20, Route 6, Clay Tunnel, Seaside Cave and Giants Chasm
- Dewgong - Route 20, Route 6, Seaside Cave and Giants Chasm
- Shellder - Seaside Cave, Route 21, Giants Chasm and Wellspring Cave
- Cloyster - Undella Town, Seaside Cave, Route 21, Giants Chasm and Wellspring Cave
- Krabby - Virbank City, Route 13 and Route 23
- Kingler - Route 13 and Route 23
- Horsea - Virbank City and Undella Bay
- Seadra - Route 17, Route 18 and P2 Laboratory
- Kingdra - Route 17, Route 18 and P2 Laboratory
- Goldeen - Floccesy Ranch, Abundant Shrine, Route 22, Pinwheel Forest and Striation City
- Seaking - Abundant Shrine, Route 22, Pinwheel Forest and Striation City
- Staryu - Route 19, Undella Town, Route 13 and Route 21
- Starmie - Route 13
- Magikarp - Floccesy Ranch and Nature Preserve
- Gyarados - Nature Preserve
- Lapras - Village Bridge and Dragonspiral Tower
- Vaporeon - Nature Preserve
- Omanyte - Relic Passage
- Kabuto - Relic Passage
- Chinchou - Virbank City, Route 6, Undella Bay, Route 18 and P2 Laboratory
- Lanturn - Undella Bay, Route 18 and P2 Laboratory
- Marill - Route 19, Route 20, Route 6, Abundant Shrine, Village Bridge, Route 11, Victory Road and Pinwheel Forest
- Azumarill - Route 19, Route 6, Clay Tunnel, Village Bridge, Route 11, Victory Road, Twist Mountain and Pinwheel Forest
- Wooper - Virbank Complex, Reversal Mountain, Route 23 and Wellspring Cave
- Quagsire - Reversal Mountain, Route 23, Moor of Icirrus, Icirrus City and Wellspring Cave
- Qwilfish - Virbank Complex, Abundant Shrine, Route 17, Route 18 and P2 Laboratory
- Corsola - Route 6 and Route 13
- Remoraid - Aspertia City, Undella Town and Undella Bay
- Octillery - Undella Bay
- Mantyke - Undella Bay and Route 17
- Mantine - Route 17
- Lotad - Route 20, Route 22 and Route 3
- Lombre - Route 22, Victory Road and Route 3
- Ludicolo - Victory Road and Route 3
- Wingull - Route 13
- Pelipper - Marvellous Bridge
- Surskit - Aspertia City, Route 19, Route 20 and Route 22
- Masquerain - Route 22
- Carvanha - Floccesy Ranch and Village Bridge
- Sharpedo - Village Bridge
- Wailmer - Undella Bay
- Wailord - Undella Bay
- Barboach - Relic Passage, Route 6, Clay Tunnel, Moor of Icirrus, Icirrus City and Wellspring Cave
- Whiscash - Relic Passage, Moor of Icirrus, Icirrus City and Wellspring Cave
- Corphish - Virbank Complex, Abundant Shrine, Route 3 and Striation City
- Crawdaunt - Abundant Shrine, Route 3 and Striation City
- Feebas - Aspertia City, Clay Tunnel, Route 1 and Nature Preserve
- Milotic - Route 1 and Nature Preserve
- Spheal - Floccesy Ranch, Undella Bay and Seaside Cave
- Sealeo - Undella Bay and Seaside Cave
- Clamperl - Route 4 and Humilau City
- Huntail - Humilau City
- Gorebyss - Humilau City
- Relicanth - Route 4 and Route 21
- Luvdisc - Route 4, Undella Town, Seaside Cave, Route 13 and Humilau City
- Piplup - Anville Town and Driftveil City
- Bibarel - Village Bridge and Route 1
- Buizel - Virbank Complex, Lostlorn Forest, Route 14, Route 11 and Victory Road
- Floatzel - Lostlorn Forest, Route 14, Route 11 and Victory Road
- Shellos - Virbank Complex, Relic Passage, Giants Chasm and Route 23
- Gastrodon - Relic Passage, Giants Chasm, Route 23, Moor of Icirrus and Icirrus City
- Finneon - Virbank City, Virbank Complex, Route 11, Route 17, Route 18 and P2 Laboratory
- Lumineon - Route 11, Route 17, Route 18 and P2 Laboratory
- Phione - Route 17
- Oshawott - Starter
- Dewott - Nature Preserve
- Samurott - Nature Preserve
- Panpour - Floccesy Town, Lostlorn Forest and Victory Road
- Simipour - Pinwheel Forest
- Tympole - Route 16
- Palpitoad - Castelia Sewers, Clay Tunnel, Moor of Icirrus, Icirrus City and Pinwheel Forest
- Seismitoad - Castelia Sewers, Moor of Icirrus, Icirrus City and Pinwheel Forest
- Basculin - undefined
- Tirtouga - Relic Passage
- Ducklett - Aspertia City, Driftveil Drawbridge and Village Bridge
- Swanna - Village Bridge and Marvellous Bridge
- Frillish - Virbank City, Virbank Complex, Route 4, Undella Town, Undella Bay, Seaside Cave, Route 13, Victory Road, Route 17, Route 18 and P2 Laboratory
- Jellicent - Virbank City, Virbank Complex, Undella Town, Undella Bay, Seaside Cave, Route 13, Route 17, Route 18 and P2 Laboratory
- Alomomola - Virbank City, Virbank Complex, Route 4, Humilau City, Route 18 and P2 Laboratory
19Ghost Pokémon
19Dragon Pokémon
25Steel Pokémon
25Ice Pokémon
28Fairy Pokémon
30Fire Pokémon
30Electric Pokémon
30Fighting Pokémon
35Rock Pokémon
35Dark Pokémon
50Bug Pokémon
50Ground Pokémon
50Psychic Pokémon
52Poison Pokémon
59Grass Pokémon
63Flying Pokémon
77Normal Pokémon
86Water Pokémon
Blaze Black / Volt White 2 Redux Challenge Boss Battles
In order to complete a Blaze Black / Volt White 2 Redux Challenge Nuzlocke and become the Champion, you will need to win 46 Boss battles throughout the Unova region - ranging from bickering Rival & Evil team fights, to Gym Leaders & ultimately the Elite Four.
These can be a challenge, especially when your dear nicknamed nuzlocke mons are at risk. So below we've listed detailed overviews of all these fights! Giving you all the information you'll need to face everything from Hugh's Oshawott to Marshal's Conkeldurr.
10 Gym Leader fights
5 Elite Four fights
8 Rival fights
9 Evil Team fights
10 Mini Boss fights
4 Other fights
Select your starter type
Like all Pokémon games, you will have to select a starter. The type will update some of the boss teams to match. For example, if your starter was a grass type Hugh might have a fire type to take advantage!
Gym Leader fights
- Aspertia City Gym
has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.
- Virbank City Gym
has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.
- Virbank City
has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.
- Castelia City Gym
has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.
- Nimbasa City Gym
has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.
- Nimbasa City Gym
has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.
- Driftveil City Gym
has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.
- Mistralton City Gym
has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.
- Opelucid City Gym
has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.
- Humilau City Gym
has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.
Elite Four fights
- Pokémon League W Room
has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.
- Pokémon League NW Room
has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.
- Pokémon League NE Room
has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.
- Pokémon League E Room
has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.
- Pokémon League Champion
has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.
Rival fights
- Aspertia City
has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.
- Floccesy Ranch
has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.
- Nimbasa Subway
has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.
- Nimbasa Subway
has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.
- Route 6
has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.
- Reversal Mountain
has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.
- Undella Town
has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.
- Victory Road
has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.
Evil Team fights
- Route 4
has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.
- Route 6
has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.
- Twist Mountain
has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.
- Lacunosa Town
has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.
- Opelucid City
has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.
- Containment Room
has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.
- Plasma Frigate
has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.
- Plasma Frigate
has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.
- Giant Chasm
has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.
Mini Boss fights
- Aspertia City Trainer School
has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.
- Virbank City
has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.
- Café Sonata
has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.
- Big Stadium
has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.
- Nimbasa City
has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.
- Route 6
has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.
- Mistralton City
has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.
- Route 12
has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.
- Opelucid City
has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.
- Humilau City
has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.
Other fights
- Victory Road
has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.
- Victory Road
has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.
- Victory Road
has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.
- Victory Road
has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.
Now that you're ready to take on the Pokémon Blaze Black / Volt White 2 Redux Challenge Nuzlocke Challenge, why not keep track of all your encounters with the Nuzlocke Tracker?